Amèlia Bargalló Ferrerons

I am Amelia Bargallo and my research focuses on stone tools and human cognitive evolution. The most relevant aspects of my research career are: 1) I have done my Ph.D. between two universities (Universitat Rovira I Virgili, URV SPA – Universita degli Studi di Ferrara, ITA) getting the European Ph.D. 2014 (URV). In 2015, I was awarded Research prize International Doctorate by URV. 2) I am principal author in 16 papers in international journals with impact factor. I was the principal investigator in one funding research MSCA-IF-2015-EF, Project ID:702584. Through my postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London (UK) and the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle (FR).
In other hand, I have acquired some academic experience at the UCL, besides from my previous experience at the URV. I also participated in research staff development program. These academics experiences to develop professional skills in my teaching process. I also participated in numerous outreach activities in secondary school transmitting knowledge acquired to the UCL and URV and the scientific research in human evolution.